Hannah is based in Cardiff with her little family of three. A keen photography lover whose camera is never far from her hands, she likes to document the world around her and is constantly taking snapshots to print and frame around her home. Hannah is a big ice cream fan and in her spare time loves nothing more than dreaming up recipes and making a mess in her kitchen. She’s always plotting her next travel adventure and likes to share what her family get up to on her blog The Facts of Wife.
There are many people I admire and they all have one thing in common; they are fearless in pursuing their dreams.
An old mantle clock my late granddad left to me. Every time I catch sight of its lovely self perched on my bookcase, I’m reminded of him. I also love my wedding and engagement rings and all the happy things they represent.
It’d start with a lazy breakfast in bed, my husband and baby girl snoozing at my sides, followed by packing a picnic and my trusty old camera and jumping in the car to drive off to place unknown. We love an adventure. Later we’d catch up with old friends and share a few laughs over a good meal and once the sun’s beginning to set and my daughter is snuggled up in her bed, I’d curl up on the sofa with a glass of wine and watch an old black and white film. Bliss.
My family. Becoming a mother and watching my husband become a father has been the best experience to date. My little Aurelia Rose makes my heart soar.
Travel. Rent my house out for a year, put our things in storage and show my daughter the world. There are so many places to go, but we’d start with Italy and work our way across the globe.